Hot Sauce Tastings

Our Tastings

This all started in summer of 2022, after watching a few episodes of “Hot Ones”, on YouTube.  I particularly liked the one with Matt Damon, and how he mentioned how his body was reacting, that he was drooling, and his scalp was sweating.  I asked a few from my Spirits Tasting group if they wanted to try hot sauces.  I got a few ‘sure!’s and a few “are you crazy’s”.  But after about 2 weeks we got enough positive responses to do our first tasting!  So I promptly went and put all the hot sauces of the 18 seasons of Hot Ones into a spreadsheet, did my research on where to buy them, learned about Scoville ratings, and bought 30 different hot sauces.  I can get a little fixated, and go a little over-board at times.  Anyway, here are the results, of our different tastings.  The adventure has just begun..