2nd Hot Sauce Tasting, Aubrey D, “Rebel” Line

Second Hot Sauce Tasting, Aubrey D, 10 different (March 10th, 2023)

This was our 2nd “Hot Sauce” Tasting.  We had 9 invitees, we used ‘tater tots’ or  ‘potato puffs’ depending on how you refer to them.  Everyone made it to the end of the 10 hot sauces, but we did have 4 drop out of the bonus rounds.  The bottles in question were ;

Scoville Est (SHU) Description Taste Heat Price (CAD$) Where
Jalapeno $9.00 Provigo
Chipotle $9.00 Adonis
10,000 Red Savina $11.00 Adonis
20,000 Scotch Bonnett $11.00 Provigo
35,000-50,000 Habanero $9.00 Provigo
80,000-100,000 Reaper 51 $16.00 Adonis
100,000-110,000 Ultimate $16.00 Adonis
110,000-120,000 Scorpion $16.00 Adonis
10,000 Scorpion Apple/Maple $14,00 Douceurs du Marche
120,000-140,000 Jolokia Ghost $14.50 Adonis
Eat a Fat One (EAFO) $25.00  NJ, Mikey V’s
350,000-500,000 Dave’s Gourmet Sauce “Ultimate Insanity” $12.00 Provigo
180,000 Da Bomb, Beyond Insanity $26.00

I chose Aubrey D, since it has a good range of heat, it’s Canadian, and easily available.  They also have a good website.  We had a large gap between the 1st hot sauce tasing, and this one, the 2nd hot sauce tastings, literally 6 months.  I thought, at this point, I was going to wait for the summer, but I kept getting asked, more and more about when is the next hot sauce tasting, especially from those who don’t do my spirits tastings.  So, I organized it, we did it in March..we’ll see when the next one will be scheduled, maybe May?  The Spirits tasting dies off for the summer, so maybe we do hot sauce tastings instead.

So we tasted all the hot sauces on Tater tots.  All sauces were rated on a scale of 1-10 on taste, and 1-10 on heat.   We also did 3 bonus hot sauces, Eat a Fat One (EAFO), a sauce I picked up at the NJ Hot Sauce convention, it made my lips and mouth burn for 5 minutes, so I had to buy it, and have others ‘experience’ it.  Dave’s Gourmet Ultimate Insanity Sauce, since I remember the graphic nature of Terri’s reaction to Dave’s Insanity sauce, I figured the reaction to “Ultimate Insanity”, will be 10x better.  Lastly, “Da Bomb”, since it seems this one is a ‘right of passage’, to any hot sauce afficiando, or at least “Hot Ones” fans.

So I have to say, I’m not sure if it was the “tater tots” vs “wings”, but the “Rebel” line did not seem as hot as when we had first tried it.  Also the Rebel line was obviously going for ‘Heat’ vs flavour, or taste, they weren’t bad, just not memorable in term of flavour.  As mentioned earlier, all 10 rounds was done by everyone, it was only at the bonus round, where we had some bow out.

The first bonus round was “Ultimate Insanity”,  we dabbed the ‘tater tots’, for this one, and it wasn’t that hot.  So Martin and Jenn decided to immerse the ‘tater tot’, in the Ultimate Insanity….that got a much better reaction. We did the same two step process for the EAFO, and “Da Bomb”, its true what the say about “Da Bomb” on the show, it doesn’t taste good at all, in our ratings Adam wanted to give it a -1 for taste.  When the “tater tot” was immersed in the hot sauce, it was a much better reaction.  Martin, Jenn and Adam paid the price for that, but none required milk, they suffered visually, and orally, but there were no complaints.

The funny story of the night definitely went to Terri again.




The Winners!


1st place “Taste” (7.7 $9)

1st Place “Heat” (10.8 $12)

Overall Winner

The next hot sauce tasting is probably in June.

Let me know, if you’re in!


The Survey Results

Taste Tara Jenn Steph Terri Tim Neil Luis Martin Adam Total/Avg
Jalapeno 3 3 7 5 7 7 1 8 8 49/5.4
Chipotle 4 1 4 6 7 6 3 6 7 44/4.9
Red Savina 5 3 5 6 8 6 4 7 6 50/5.5
Scotch Bonnett 1 3 3 4 2 2 1 4 3 23/2.6
Habanero 5 3 6 6 5 3 1 7 6 42/4.7
Reaper 51 5 4 4 5 5 2 5 6 6 42/4.7
Ultimate 6 4 7 7 6 3 6 6 8 53/5.9
Scorpion 6 4 4 5 4 3 5 5 4 40/4.4
Scorpion Apple/Maple 8 6 8 8 5 7 9 8 8 67/7.4
Jolokia Ghost 8 5 4 6 4 2 7 6 5 47/5.2
Dave’s “Ultimate Insanity” * * 1 6 2 7 2 /
E.A.F.O. * * 2 5 3 6 4 /
Da Bomb,“Beyond Insanity” * * 0 5 0


Heat Terri Adam Alisha Sylwester Neil Maria Total/Avg
PN Solar Flare (discontinued) 2 1 2 4 9/2.3
Mark’s Barbados Style 3 3 4 3 4 6 23/3.8
PN Sweet Garlic & Habanero 3 2 3 2 3 6 19/3.2
PN Bajan Mango & Habanero 6 4 4 5 5 4 28/4.7
PN Salsa Raja & Ghost ² 5 2 2 2 3 5 19/3.2
Hellacious ² 5 2 2 2 3 5 19/3.2
PN Wild Blueberry & Scorpion 6 6 4 3 7 6 32/5.3
PN Momento de Muerte (Blackcherry & Reaper) 8 8 6 6 8 9 45/7.5
Dawson’s 8 8 7 6 7 9 45/7.5
PN Red Serano & Reaper 9 9 8 8 9 43/8.6
Torchbearer’s “Zombie Apocalypse” 8 8 5 7 28/7.0
Dave’s Gourmet Sauce “Insanity” 11 11 10 11 43/10.8
Total 74 63 45 48 69 54
Avg 6.2 5.7 4.5 4.4 5.7 6.0

² I checked the underlying data, they are the same ratings, its not a typo, or copy/paste issue.