Canadian Whisky (2nd one, Tastings #21)

Canadian Whisky Tasting (January 21st, 2022)

This was our 2nd Canadian Whisky Tasting.  I like to make sure a few provinces are represented.  I also included the winner from our last Canadian Whisky Tasting, back in October 2020.  The bottles in question were;

TT Label Description Province Proof Rating Price (CAD$)
A Glynnevan, Triple Barreled, Rye Whisky Nova Scotia 90 6.9 $70.00
B Bearface, Triple oaked, 7 yr BC 85 6.0 $40.00
C J.P. Wiser, 15 yr Ontario 80 7.6 $50.00
D Signal Hill Newfoundland 80 7.9 $40.00
E Forty Creek, Victory, 2019 limited release Ontario 86 5.4 $80.00
F Crown Royal, Northern Harvest Rye Manitoba 90 5.3 $38.00
G Crown Royal, Salted Caramel Whisky Manitoba 70 6.9 $30.00
H Gretzky Whisky Cream, Salted Caramel Ontario 34 8.5 $35.00

We had 16 people rating the whiskies, and taking part in the Zoom.  We had 5 who were new to this whole voting/tasting process.  The winner from last time, became the loser for this time, very strange outcome.  I was expecting 12 to register we had 19 register, so I added the “G” bottle,  to make a transition to the cream.  I didn’t realize it’s classified as a whisky drink, instead of a whisky, due to the salted caramel additive.

We had our first ever fish caught during the tasting, in an ice shack, on the lake, and it was an impressive catch.  A truly Canadian experience, impressive Bradley!!

I Love;

  • That this ice shack is on a frozen lake
  • The amazing fish, especially the back fin (Walleye(US), Pickeral (CAD))
  • It’s caught at night, and that it’s -24 Celsius outside (-13 F)
  • Caught while on Zoom, and tasting Canadian Whisky
  • You see our Canadian whisky rack!
  • The Gordie Howe pics, including hockey cards
  • Bradley is wearing a Canada Tuque
  • The ice fishing calendar
  • I don’t know how this can be a more Canadian pic!!
  • Thank you Bradley and Nicole for making this truly a Canadian experience, and tasting

In the tasting, we had 2 triple barreled whiskies, Bearface and Glynnevan (which comes in a double barrel, and the less common triple barrel).  The Bearface didn’t do so well mostly 6s and some 7s.  Glynnevan fared better.  We had a limited edition Forty Creek, from 2019, it also didn’t fare so well.  But one of the Canadian classics, JP Wiser, did well.  It’s a corn whisky.  Everyone thinks Canadian whisky is only based on rye…not true.

The group got along well, even with 31% new comers.  In terms of location of tasters, we had Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, and Ireland all represented!  In terms of using tasting notes, most guesses/predictions were only 1/6 successful, but we did have Brad (not Bradley) get 3/6, in a separate home tasting, sending me his predictions before I posted the results.  This doesn’t beat our current record of 4/6, but it is still impressive, good job Brad!

Marcia was great at pacing the group, and with the larger group, it wasn’t as hard to wait 10-15 minutes between tasting tubes.  The group was very animated, especially as the night wore on, and the alcohol was consumed.

The winner was a lesser known whisky, from Newfoundland, our only Newfoundland entrant in any of our tastings, that I’m aware of, Signal Hill.  It received a respectable 126/160 (79%).  The 2nd place entrant was the more classic Canadian whisky, JP Wiser, 15 yr old, with 122/160 (76%).  The 3rd place whisky was Glynnevan, triple barrel, with 111/160, or 69%.  Glynnevan is from Nova Scotia, so the Maritimes fared well in our tasting!



The Winners!

1st Place (7.9, $40)

2nd Place (7.6, $50)

3rd Place (6.9, $70)


The next tasting is Vodka!  It will be in February 2022


The Survey Results

A (Glynn) B(Bear) C(Wiser) D(Signal) E(Victory) F(CR, Rye) G(CR,Caramel) H(Cream)
Wayne 6 7 7 9 6 9 8 9
Mike K 8 7 8 5 6 2 2 9
Neil 7 5 6 8 5 7 7 9
Emilie 5 6 7 8 2 3 9 10
Marcia 8 7 8 7 7 4 4 10
Jon T 7 6 9 7 8 5 9 9
Stephanie 8 6 7 8 6 5 4 9
Erin 8 6 8 5 3 3 2 9
Steve V 8 6 9 9 5 9 1 5
Jeff/Julia 7 6 6 8 5 7 9 9
Nicole 5 7 8 10 7 5 8 8
Bradley 6 7 8 9 6 5 9 9
Amanda 8 5 7 8 4 6 10 9
Jamey 5 3 8 8 4 3 10 4
Dane 8 7 7 8 6 6 8 8
Renee 7 5 9 9 6 5 10 10
Total 111 96 122 126 86 84 110 136
6.9 6.0 7.6 7.9 5.4 5.3 6.9 8.5