Plantation Rum (1st one, Tastings #29)

Plantation Rum Tasting (May 11th, 2023)

This is our 1st brand specific Rum tasting.  We chose Plantation, since it’s very geographically diverse, and provides a lot of variety.  The bottles in question were;

TT Label Description Proof Rating Price (CAD$)
B Guatemala XO, 2t, 1c, Red Pineau 86 7.6 $80
F Barbados 10 yr, 4t, 5.5c, Oloroso Sherry 98.6 7.3 $91
G Panama 14 yr, 11t, 3c, Rye Whiskey 103.8 8.0 $92
C Trinidad 2002, 13.5t, 3.5c, Tawny Port 96 8.0 $110
D Peru 2006, 11t, 3c, Bourbon and Sherry 95.8 8.6 $140
E Isle of Fiji 80 5.8 $40
A Gran Anejo, Guatemala & Belize 84 7.4 $40
H Negrita, Rum Cream, France 34 9.2 $23

The numbers in the title, after the description, are for aging, t=tropical aging (in the country, where the rum is from), and c= continental aging (aging in France, at plantation, who also owns Fernand Cognac).

We had 9 people on the call, and it was similar to the Irish Whiskey, the oldest rums, and most expensive rums, won this time.  I thought A, a $40 rum, from Guatemala and Belize, would have placed better, but it did not.

In terms of people trying to ‘guess’ which is which, based on the tasting notes.  The tasting notes were from different sources, I did include my own tasting notes, as well, but they were pretty short.  Martin got 5 correct, his logic was, what would a rum from “Barbados” taste like, and what would a rum from “Panama” taste like..etc.  It did him well, besides Martin, no one else got more than 2 correct.  He only reversed Trinidad and Panama, the rest he got correct.

The Winners!

The clear winner was Peru 2006, with 8.6.  The next closest, was a tie, both Trinidad 2002, and Panama 14 yr, both got 8.0.  We do like rum as a group, since the scores were higher, as a whole, than most categories of alcohol that we taste.

The Peru 2006 was the most expensive rum, and in a different category of Plantation rum, than the rest, called the “limited edition” series, packaged in a very colorful box.

I’ve since got my hands on 5 rums from the same category of rum, from different countries, including a 2nd bottle of Peru 2006, so we will have to do another Planation rum tasting, eventually.

1st Place (8.6) $140

2nd Place (8.0) $92

2nd Place (8.0) $110


The next Tasting will be Scotch, in September, it will be our 2nd Scotch tasting.

The Survey Results

  A-Guat&Beli B- Guat C-Trin 2002 D-Peru 2006 E-Fiji F-Barbados G-Panama 14 H-Cream
Priya 8 7 7 9 4 9 6 9
Karen 8 8 7 9 7 4 9 10
Dave M 7 8 9 8 4 7 8 8
Martin 8 8 8 8 7 8 9 10
Collin 7 7 8 8 6 9 7 10
Dane 7 9 9 9 6 7 8 10
Adam L 8 6 7 9 4 5 9 9
Tim 7 8 9 9 7 9 9 9
Allison 7 7 8 8 7 8 7 8
 Total 67 68 72 77 52 66 72 83
Average 7.4 7.6 8.0 8.6 5.8 7.3 8.0 9.2