Sake (2nd one, Tastings #24)

Sake Tasting (Sept 22nd, 2022)

This is our 2nd Sake tasting.  It is an inexpensive tasting, more like wine, than spirits, especially since they quote their sugar content.  We did it in person, and with food pairings.  I hosted it in my tasting room, we had a couple last minute cancellations, which helped since it was going to be tight otherwise.    Stacie brought a yummy shrimp salsa, which was the most popular dish in the 2019 Sake tasting, everyone else contributed $$.  We didn’t do anything with warm Sake, all were served cold.

In terms of food we had Garlic Shrimp, Calamari, Sushi from Avocado Sushi du Village, their Maki Cynthia (their most popular roll), Chicken Skewers,  Shrimp Salsa (from Stacie), Bacon wrapped Scallops, and finished it off with Nadas (from DelMonaco’s pasta shop).

We used a new application, to record our votes.  I still have to work on it, but I like it.  The company is called Survey Sparrow, works well, and simple to set-up, works on your phone too.

Because they were so inexpensive, and low alcohol content, we went with 9 bottles.  All were Junmai’s, so none had ‘added alcohol’, if they have added alcohol they’re called “Non-Junmai”  The 2nd and 3rd place were the Junmai DaiGinjos, which are the highest grade within the Junmai, so I guess we have good taste as a group!!  The true winner was a flavoured Sake, it won in our first Sake tasting in 2019, and again this year, in our 2nd Sake tasting..not sure if the Sake puritans would be impressed, but we seem to like it!


TT Label Description Category Rating % Alcohol Sugars Price
I Sake Blueberry Gekkeikan Junmai 6.9 12% 100 g/l $15
G Sake One Moonstone Craft Ginjo (Asian Pear) infused 8.3 12% 38 g/l $10 ($20)
H Sayuri Nigori 6.7 12.5% 38 g/l $9 ($18)
D Kinuyuki Junmai Ginjo 7.1 16% 19 g/l $30
A Horin Gekkeikan Sake Junmai DaiGinjo 7.9 15.5% 20 g/l $18 ($36)
B Tyku Sake Junmai Ginjo (55% milled) 6.6 15% 19 g/l $20
C Sayori Junmai Junmai Nakadori 6.4 14.5% 12 g/l $33
E Homare Sake Brewing Co. Junmai DaiGinjo (50% milled) 7.6 16% 25 g/l $36
F Dewanosato Junmai 6.4 15.5% 24 g/l $29


The Survey Results 


Kyleigh 9 8 5 7 6 8 8 5 6
Adam 5 7 5 8 8 5 9 6 8
Stacie 9 6 7 6 8 7 8 6 6
Sebastian 9 8 7 7 7 7 7 6 9
Martin 9 6 5 5 7 4 10 8 5
Tim 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 6
Rob G 8 7 7 8 8 8 9 8 7
Priya 8 6 7 8 9 5 9 9 7
Wayne 6 6 7 7 8 6 7 5 8
Neil 8 4 6 7 7 6 8 6 7
 Total 79 66 64 71 76 64 83 67 69


The winner, again, with 83 out of a possible 100, Sake One Moonstone, for $10!  It’s a flavoured Sake, Craft Sake, flavoured/infused with Asian Pear!  In 2nd place is Horin Gekkeikan Sake, a Junmai DaiGinjo, $18/300 ml, with 79 out of a possible 100.  In third place, Homare Sake Brewing Co., also a Junmai DaiGinjo this time 50% milled, with 76/100, and $36 for  750ml.  So the Jumai DaiGinjo’s certainly won this challenge, two entered, and 2 placed.

The Winners!


1st Place (8.3, $10)

2nd Place (7.9, $18)

3rd Place (7.6, $36)

The next tasting is Bourbon, in October, we will be tasting almost the entire Knob Creek line!

Let me know, if you’re in for it!